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Mercury Was Founded
in August of 1999
Our first project was for the original US Robotics Palm Pilot
In addition to Palm, we also developed for Windows (and still do).
Although gaining in popularity, we knew Palm OS development could not support the rate of growth we envisioned for our company. Looking for a niche, we realized Windows wasn’t ideal as development shops had been programming on that platform for a lot longer than us.
OS X Released
OS X was not an incremental upgrade but a completely new OS.
We invested in learning to program for this new operating system immediately and benefited from companies looking for new versions of their existing OS 9 apps.
In addition, we were one of a few development shops offering both Mac OS X and Windows skill sets. Many new customers wanted cross platform development but did not want to manage multiple outsourced relationships.

New Areas of Specialization

Our Mac OS X competence brought us more multimedia projects.We were contracted to develop an audio processing app for a custom voice compression codec. We later optimized this codec for various DSP platforms and the Microsoft Pocket PC (later developed into Windows Mobile and Windows Phone).
Our DSP experience lead us to a customer looking to creating plugins for the Pro Tools professional audio processing system.

Cross-platform Application Development

Continuing with DSP development and multimedia, 2005 brought us more development work to support custom hardware. Our customer (ultimately Barco, a large, Belgian lighting solutions company) needed an application to convert videos to display on custom arrays of LED panels.
Data Storage Network Solutions for Professional Audio and Video Studios
iOS Released
iOS combined our 8 year love of mobile, and our 6+ years of developing for Mac OS X, on which iOS is built. We jumped on iOS immediately and haven't stopped since, keeping in mind the lessons we learned from our Mac and Windows experience.
Android Development
We knew there would not be only one dominant player in the mobile market (and we knew the other one would not be Blackberry). As soon as it became viable (once they solved the development experience for multiple device models), we invested in Android development and have since ported many of our iOS applications on Android.
We started working on plugins for Apple TV and also gained proficiency in cloud technologies: high load web servers, virtualization, social networks.
iPad Released
As soon as iPad was released in 2010 we started developing apps for it
First app for Windows Phone 7
Wearable Computing
Developing for connected hardware and wearables (keypads, smart key fobs, fitness trackers, etc.), working with BLE technology.
Full Stack
Development Projects

Watch apps development

Shots – one of the most recognizable Apple Watch applications (iPhone app appeared a year earlier and was already a huge success).
Cross-platform Solutions
Building an app with a cross-platform framework has become a frequent request from our customers: this approach allows for significant code base reuse and solid cost savings, while still ensuring good user experience. So Mercury team gained ample experience with React Native and Flutter.
ARKit combines device motion tracking, camera scene capture, advanced scene processing, and allows our customers to bring augmented reality experiences to their app.
Machine Learning
Most industries and companies working with large amounts of data have recognized the value of machine learning technology. Improved content discovery, voice search and commands, chatbots, curated newsfeeds, cyberthreats monitoring — these are just a glimpse of what the ML is already capable of. Here at Mercury, we’re helping build the world’s most intelligent home gym and personal trainer, leveraging the ML capabilities.


Prospective technologies
2021 is in high gear and we continue to explore new technologies to satiate our passion to stay on the bleeding edge. Augmented and virtual reality, BLE, social bots and a lot more!
Windows Palm OS